

A guide of Carbon Neutrality – How can it be achieved by 2050?

Strategies to achieve substantial net zero greenhouse gas emissions, known as carbon neutrality, are gaining momentum wo...

What is the Carbon Pricing?

Carbon pricing is a pivotal strategy in the fight against climate change. By assigning a monetary value to the emission ...

What is the RE100 Standard?

RE100 is a corporate alliance that aims to meet all its electricity needs through renewable energy, and is joined by top...

What Is The Pathfinder Framework?

The "Pathfinder Framework" is a guidance for calculating and exchanging product-level carbon emissions data across the v...

Non-Fossil Certificates: Explaining Japanese Original Scheme For Offsetting

The Non-Fossil Certificate is a document that certifies the 'environmental value' of electricity generated from non-foss...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Carbon Credits

What are carbon credits? Carbon credits are a tradable certificate that allows companies to buy and sell the amount of g...

What Is The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)?

What is the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)? The Verified Carbon Standard is a criteria for ensuring robust quality in cr...

Carbon Budget Explained: How Much Budget is Left?

The carbon budget refers to the maximum amount of greenhouse gas emissions that can be released into the atmosphere without causing severe damage to the Earth's climate and environment

What is the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)?

SBT stands for Science Based Targets, an international initiative that serves as one of the indicators for companies to ...

What Is The Environmental Values in The Energy Sector?

What is "Environmental Value" in the energy sector? The term "Environmental Value" in the context of electricity generat...