The article category “CO2-reduction” focuses on content related to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. CO2 reduction involves strategies, technologies, and practices aimed at decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. This is crucial for combating climate change, improving air quality, and promoting environmental sustainability.
Non-Fossil Certificates: Explaining Japanese Original Scheme For Offsetting
The Non-Fossil Certificate is a document that certifies the 'environmental …
- CO2-reduction
A guide of Carbon Neutrality – How can it be achieved by 2050?
Strategies to achieve substantial net zero greenhouse gas emissions, known …
- CO2-reduction
What is the Blue Carbon? The Importance of the System, and Pros and Cons
In recent years, the term "Blue Carbon" has gained prominence as a crucial …
- CO2-reduction
J-Credit Scheme Explained: How Does it Work and What Are the Benefits?
As the world actively seeks solutions to stop global warming, "carbon prici…
- CO2-reduction
Summery of the Paris Agreement
What is the Paris Agreement? The Paris Agreement that indicates a framewor…
- CO2-reduction
Explaining the Definition of A Carbon Footprint
A Carbon Footprint is utilized to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This art…
- CO2-reduction
What does “Carbon Offsetting” mean?
What is the meaning of "Carbon Offsetting"? The term “Carbon offsettin…
- CO2-reduction